InCity, originally known as Inci Bebé since its inception in 1989 in Istanbul, has evolved significantly over the years, rebranding itself as InCity in 2006. The brand specializes in children’s and youth fashion, based on quality, stylish, and sophisticated designs that have garnered trust and approval from parents worldwide.
Headquartered in Istanbul, InCity manages all aspects of its business from design to logistics, ensuring meticulous attention to detail. The brand conducts its national and international wholesale operations through showrooms located in key areas such as Eminonu, Laleli, and Osmanbey in Istanbul.
InCity is committed to ethical practices, sourcing fabrics from Europe and employing highly skilled labor for production. This commitment reflects in the high quality of materials used and the precision in crafting each design. The brand’s collection is distributed across all continents, spanning more than 50 countries, showcasing its global reach and appeal.
With over three decades of experience, InCity caters to both everyday wear and special occasions, offering boys’ and girls’ fashion that embodies a fashionable and modern style, encouraging children to express themselves confidently while embracing their potential.
InCity, with its first retail store opened in Kadir Has Shopping Mall in 2008 expands its retail network and brings its products together with over 2 millon kids every year around the world.
InCity , export to the USA and also Commonwealth of Independent States as Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan; Middle East Countries as Egypt,Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, UAE, Yemen;African Countries as Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Nigeria, Gana, Cameroon,Congo, Cote D’lvorie; European Countries as Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Sweden,England and Greece.
To employ in order to create high quality products and services and thus to
contribute to national economy.
To meet all needs of little ladies and gentelmen who desire to follow world
fashion with its exceptional collection style.